Smeal College of Business, The Pennsylvania State University
Assistant Professor
SCM421 Supply Chain Analytics, 2019 - current
Exec Ed, Building a Sustainable Supply Chain, 2023 - current
MIT Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MIT Graduate Certificate in Logistics & Supply Chain Management at the Center of Transportation and Logistics, 2-day Introduction to System Dynamics (10 years)
Teaching Assistant (leading recitations, grading assignments, tutoring students)
Sloan Fellows (MBA) 15.778 Operations and Supply Chain Management
(Management of Supply Networks for Products and Services) -
Open enrollment 15.S66 Operations for Entrepreneurs (2 times)
MBA 15.871 and 15.872 Introduction to System Dynamics
EMBA 15.700 Leadership and Integrative Management
EMBA 15.703 Leading with Impact
EMBA 15.705 O-Lab (2 times)
EMBA 15.736 Introduction to System Dynamics (3 years)
PhD 15.879 Research Seminar in System Dynamics (4 times)
Lead facilitator (training, leading the game)
“Beer Distribution” game demonstrating complex nonlinear behavior of a simple simulated supply chain